Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beef Stew / Pot Pies

1 lb beef stew meat
meat tenderizer
worcestshire sauce
2 cups carrots
6-8 whole potatoes chunks
2 stalks celery diced
2 whole onions diced
8 cups water approx

I also will turn the stew into pot pies later as well.

1 lb. beef stew meat to which I've added some meat tenderizer & covered in
worcestshire sauce- let sit for one hour (fridge or in cold houses it might be
perfectly safe).

I then toss my beef in the flour- 'fry' it all in a bit of oil.
once you've done this to almost done, throw in your onions (garlic too for me!!!), and
celery, cook them all until they're tender, pour on water & hard veggies- let
this simmer until the potatoes are cooked through... and here: cooks test-
taste your stew- is it flavored enough? (I always add salt & pepper) if not- dash in more worcestshire
sauce. If it's not thickening enough (from the flour left from the meat) then
you can 'add' flour.. We like ours VERY thick.

Extra I measure into freezer bags & freeze.

Later should I decide on pot pie- I simply make a large pie crust- spray a
9x13 pan- pour in defrosted bag, cover with my pie crust & cook until crust is
done & meat is heated well. (slice holes to let it 'breathe' so it doesn't
bubble over)

Simple fun with this- take canned biscuits- push them down to line sprayed
muffin tins- fill with mixture & bake until the biscuits are done- kids like

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